
How To Make 2d Bone Based Animation In Unity

In this series, nosotros're focusing on the bone-based 2d animation tools provided by the Unity engine. The chief thought is to present and teach the fundamentals of 2nd blitheness in order for you to utilise it to your own games. In this tutorial, we'll add the idle, jump, and autumn animations.

Before we offset the tutorial, we would similar to thank Chenguang (DragonBonesTeam) for providing u.s. with the game art used to produce this tutorial series.

Where We Left Off

In the previous tutorial, we imported a 2D sprite representing the game character, sliced information technology with the Unity Sprite Editor, and constructed the base of the character. If y'all haven't completed the previous tutorial we strongly recommend that y'all practise so, since you are going to need the 2D character in society to follow this tutorial.

Final Preview

This demo shows the blithe dragon we're aiming for—striking Space to go far jump:

General Animation Theory

In that location are several important concepts that y'all need to proceed in mind while animative. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume that you accept no feel with animation (2nd or 3D), and that y'all've never worked with animation software before.

Animation, as we know it, has evolved from paint to digital. There are dozens of hybrid animation techniques, simply all of those share the same base principles, like lip-syncing, squash or walking cycles.

In order to understand animation, you must first learn the concept of a frame. A frame is one of many still images that compose an animation. If yous pause a cartoon, the paradigm that your TV shows would be of a single frame.

The master difference betwixt traditional animation and calculator animation lies in the tools used. Traditional animation is a very hands-on process, where the artists would take to draw or compose thousands of private frames. Computer animation removes the need for many tools and, generally, simplifies the whole process.

For example, whereas with traditional animation the artist would have to draw almost every unmarried frame of an blitheness, with computer animation the artist can utilize what we call cardinal frame points. These key frame points, as the proper name specifies, are key stages of the blitheness. Basically, the artist creates those cardinal frame points, and the computer interpolates between them to create the missing frames. As you tin can imagine, this blazon of procedure is much less labor-intensive.

You can define a primal frame as a single still paradigm in an animated sequence that takes place at an important betoken in that sequence. A good example would exist in an blitheness of rock falling: the original position of the rock in the air would be a key frame, and the finish position of the stone on the ground would be some other. The computer would then generate all the other frames. Nosotros call the frames between key frames tweened frames, and they are the responsible for creating the illusion of motion.

The frame can also be used equally a unit of time. For example, you lot tin can say that an blitheness lasts 20 frames. The real elapsing of any animation depends of the frame rate, which can vary with the format of the animation. In North America and Japan the standard is 30 frames per 2nd (fps), while across the rest of the world the standard is usually 25 fps.


Since you now know the basics of blitheness and computer animation specifically, permit's now return to Unity to start animating our character.

The get-go step is to create a folder in the Assets directory called animations, in which you will save your characters' animations.

Next, open the Animation console in Unity (Window > Animation):

As you can meet, the panel contains a horizontal time line, a record button, a play button, and a couple of buttons for navigating through the frames.

Take hold of theAnimation window and dock it adjacent to the Console tab (notation that yous are using the 2nd layout created in the Unity 2D Arkanoid tutorial). This way, you can piece of work on your scene with the animation panel still open.

Idle Animation

You will create 3 different animations for the dragon: an idle animation, a jump blitheness, and a fall animation.

To create the commencement animation, select theDragon game object and click Add Bend on the Animation panel. A new window will inquire y'all to name the blitheness file and the destination folder to save it in. Unity animation files have .anim extension, and you volition relieve them in the Animations folder you created before. Create the Idle.anim file.

As you may observe, in one case you save the file, several things change in the editor layout:

If you accept a look at the play buttons at the top of your scene, you will discover that they accept become cherry-red. In the Animation panel the record button is at present ruby as well, and y'all'll see a cherry-red line across the timeline. This means you lot are in record style. Also, if yous look at the Inspector, you will see that Unity has automatically added a new component to your game object: the Animator.

The Animator component is a reference to an Animator Controller that is used to fix behavior on a character. This includes a setup for State Machines, Blend Trees and events that can exist controlled past script. Basically, the Animator is the link between the character and its behaviour.

We will encompass the Animator component with more depth after; for now, permit's simply focus on the animation. In your Dragon game object, select theHead:

On the Animation fourth dimension-line, drag the ruby line to ane:00 (ane minute in).

Now, on the Inspector, set the Z Rotation to seven.9. Every bit you lot may discover, you lot now have some pocket-sized shapes on your timeline. These marks indicate the central frames of the animation.

Movement the red line to 2:00 and prepare the Z Rotation of the head to 0.

Press the record button again to deactivate the record fashion. You can now press the play button to exam your blitheness. If everything worked, the head of your dragon should be bobbing upwardly and downwardly.

Adjusting the Blitheness

The dragon head seems to be rotating a bit too much. Since nosotros just desire a niggling nod, we need to edit the blitheness.

Turn the record mode on once more by pressing the button, and move the carmine line to one:00 minute. Alter the Z Rotation value to ii.05.

Press the record push to exit record manner and examination the animation over again.

As you can see, to edit an animation, you just need to select the desired primal frame and change information technology. If you lot need to alter the timing of an animation—for example if the blitheness is too fast or too slow—yous tin drag the mark in the timeline to the desired frame.

Okay, now you accept the head animated, but you want to breathing the entire trunk. Since y'all built your graphic symbol as a hierarchy instead of isolated game objects, you don't demand to create a single blitheness for each part of the body; instead, but hit the button markedAdd Curve and select a different body function. Click the button and select the dragon's tail.

Endeavour to make the tail go up and down. Merely like y'all did before, use the Z Rotation axis and the timeline betwixt zero and 2 minutes.

Thanks to the bureaucracy you created, when y'all motility the tail the engine automatically moves the tip likewise. However, you can likewise animate the tip individually if yous select it.

Great! Now animate the rest of the body parts for the idle blitheness. Take the fourth dimension you demand to edit the animation until you are completely satisfied. Animation takes time and y'all never get the results you want on the first try. Past the end, your timeline should expect similar to this:

Note that, for the Idle animation, y'all don't change any values of the dragon's eye of mass (the black dot).

The Jump Animation

For the Jump animation, you will need to create a new animation file. To exercise that, in the Animation panel, click on the label that says Idle and select Create New Clip.

Proper noun information technology Spring.anim and salve it in the Animations folder.

For this blitheness, you want to make your dragon look upward while jumping. Since we've already cover the nuts of creating animations using Unity, nosotros'll just give you some hints rather than walking you lot through the process.

Every bit you did before, you lot need to select the Dragon game object and start by adding curves. Let's get-go with the head; this animation volition be a short ane, so 0:thirty seconds volition do. Rotate the caput on the Z-axis to look upwards.

To preclude the caput existence completely static, you can add a little motion to it. You can achieve this past adding a lilliputian rotation.

Echo the process for the remaining torso parts. Keep in mind that the animation should wait like the graphic symbol is in mid-air.

We will teach you how to make the complete spring afterward. For reference, effort to get your character in poses similar to the following 1:

Have you done it? Overnice!

At present, let's focus on the final animation: the fall animation.

The Autumn Animation

Your character can now leap up, but 2 parts compose a full spring: the jump itself, where the character is lifted from the floor, and the fall, when the character moves back downwardly over again. Right now you are missing the 2nd part of the jump, the Autumn animation.

Only similar before, in the Animation panel, click on the label with the current animation name and select Create New Clip.

Salvage the new animation in the Animations folder with the proper name Fall.anim.

This time, you want the character to look down while falling. To exercise that, you lot demand to press the Add Bend push and first posing the dragon. But like the Jump animation, thirty seconds volition work for this case.

Echo the process of selecting the body parts and creating the respective fundamental frames for the entire character (except for the blackness dot). Once more, y'all can add eye primal frames just to make sure that the character is not static during the falling.

Next Time

This concludes the second tutorial explaining how to create a bone-based 2D blitheness with Unity. You lot take now learned the basics of animation and used key frames to create three types of animations. Next fourth dimension, you lot will connect the different animations, blend them and phone call them by script.

If you accept any questions or feedback on what we've covered and then far, please leave a comment below.


  • Dragon sprite canvass: used with permission from Chenguang from DragonBonesTeam


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