How To Get The Animation State Unity
Creating an AnimatorController
Animation States
Animation States are the bones building blocks of an Animation Country Auto The set of states in an Animator Controller that a character or animated GameObject tin can be in, along with a set of transitions betwixt those states and a variable to retrieve the electric current state. The states available will depend on the type of gameplay, but typical states include things similar idling, walking, running and jumping. More than info
See in Glossary . Each state contains an animation sequence (or alloy tree) that plays when the grapheme is in that land. Select the state in the Animator Controller Controls animation through Animation Layers with Blitheness State Machines and Animation Blend Copse, controlled by Animation Parameters. The same Animator Controller can exist referenced past multiple models with Animator components. More info
See in Glossary , to view the properties for the country in the Inspector A Unity window that displays information well-nigh the currently selected GameObject, nugget or project settings, allowing you lot to audit and edit the values. More info
Run across in Glossary window.

Property: | Clarification: |
Motion | The animation clip Animation data that can be used for animated characters or simple animations. It is a simple "unit" piece of motility, such every bit (one specific case of) "Idle", "Walk" or "Run". More info Run into in Glossary or blend tree assigned to this state. |
Speed | The default speed of the movement for this state. Enable Parameter to modify the speed with a custom value from a script. For instance, you tin multiply the speed with a custom value to decelerate or accelerate the play speed. |
Motion Time | The fourth dimension used to play the move for this country. Enable Parameter to control the motion time with a custom value from a script. |
Mirror | This property only applies to states with humanoid animation An animation using humanoid skeletons. Humanoid models generally have the same basic construction, representing the major articulate parts of the body, head and limbs. This makes it easy to map animations from one humanoid skeleton to another, assuasive retargeting and changed kinematics. More info Encounter in Glossary . Enable to mirror the blitheness for this state. Enable Parameter to enable or disable mirroring from a script. |
Cycle Offset | The starting time added to the country time of the motion. This offset does not touch on the Motion Fourth dimension. Enable Parameter to specify the Cycle Offset from a script. |
Foot IK | This holding only applies to states with humanoid animation. Enable to respect Foot IK for this state. |
Write Defaults | Whether the AnimatorStates writes the default values for backdrop that are not animated past its move. |
Transitions | The list of transitions originating from this state. |
The default state, displayed in dark-brown, is the state that the machine will be in when it is get-go activated. You can alter the default land, if necessary, past right-clicking on another state and selecting Set As Default from the context card. The solo and mute checkboxes on each transition are used to control the behaviour of animation previews - see this page for further details.
A new state tin be added by right-clicking on an empty space in the Animator Controller Window and selecting Create State->Empty from the context carte. Alternatively, you tin drag an animation into the Animator Controller Window to create a state containing that blitheness. (Notation that you lot can simply drag Mecanim animations into the Controller - not-Mecanim animations will be rejected.) States tin can besides incorporate Alloy Copse.
Any State
Any Land is a special state which is always present. It exists for the situation where you want to go to a specific state regardless of which state you are currently in. This is a shorthand style of adding the same outward transition to all states in your machine. Note that the special meaning of Whatever State implies that it cannot be the stop point of a transition (ie, jumping to "any state" cannot exist used equally a way to pick a random land to enter next).

Creating an AnimatorController
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